Sunday 26 April 2015

Blog's mission

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We started this English written blog to facilitate foreign donors with what we do and what we plan to do in the future 

My name is  Mkala Fundikira (43) I was touched by hardship the Amani villagers are facing. So I decided to collaborate with friends from social sites like Viber and Facebook so that together we can help to improve their lives through different ways including, funding from various foundations, big companies and our own donations 

How I found out about Amani village

In year 2013 I happen to arrange Redds Miss Tabora 2013, beauty pageant. In that year Miss Tabora committee decided to involve contestants with social work like visiting orphanges and helping elderly people with basic needs. After the pageant the committee took all contestants to Amani village to visit the elderly and comfort them and provide them with soap bars, sugar and maize flour. That's when my eyes were opened to see these old people living in hardship like not having enough clothes and filthy toilets
The winners of Redds Miss Tabora 2013
Because the pageant show was performed  by Ommy Dimpoz one of the most famous musician in the country, we took advantage to take him with us, he was really moved by the conditions at the vllage and promised to do something about toilets at the village.

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